{{ var colors = ['#2196f3', '#3f51b5', '#9c27b0', '#e91e63', '#f44336', '#ff9800', '#4caf50', '#009688', '#00bcd4', '#6c757d', '#343a40', '#2196f3', '#9c27b0','#4caf50', '#6c757d', '#009688', '#343a40', '#dc3545', '#1997c6', '#4dabf5']; var colorIndex = 6; }}
Prices - licence fees & other services: Game-changing procurement & business awards management software
{{ var accountLogo = App.appView.getBuyersLogoPath("SL", "Product"); }} {{ if ($("html").width() <= 850) { }} {{ } }}
360 Licence Options

100% transparent pricing

We publish our prices because we are committed to procurement best practice. We encourage others to follow our lead.

Information for businesses
Our customers pay to use 360 because it makes evaluating tenders, grant applications, and award nominations quicker, easier, and with better record keeping. 360 is free for respondents and we don’t sell business data.

Information for prospective customers:
Licences to use 360 are for a fixed term with prices based on the volume of work 360 saves our customers and places on our resources. If customers want to use 360 as a once-off, consulting support is necessary.

All prices below include GST.


Licence options

Enterprise licence

Best option for most customers


All features excluding online referee submissions & support for high data volume requests.

360’s enterprise licence is for local government councils and purchasers with similar purchasing and contract management requirements. It has a fixed fee with no per-user fees so all staff can use 360 for their procurement activities. It also allows external subject matter experts to be engaged to help with the evaluation tasks.

Base licence for 1 year: $15,000

Optional extras:
  1. Support for referee questions $5,000
  2. Lift restrictions of 100 and 50 to allow up to 200 participants and 100 respondents respectively per request $5,000
  3. Lift restrictions of 100 and 50 to allow up to 500 participants and 250 respondents respectively per request $5,000
  4. Lift restriction of 10 to allow up to 20 evaluators per request $5,000
  5. Lift restriction of 10 to allow up to 50 evaluators per request $10,000

See other services for training and configuration assistance.

XL enterprise licence

Best option for large organisations with a central procurement team


All features including online referee submissions & support for high data volume requests.

360’s XL enterprise licence is for state and federal government agencies that publish requests in order to fulfil state/country-wide programmes, services, and initiatives. It has a fixed fee with no per-user fees so all staff (including people from other government agencies) can help with large evaluation tasks requiring more than 50 evaluators.

Base licence for 1 year: $30,000

Optional extras:
  1. (none available)

See other services for training and configuration assistance.


Other services

Options beyond our main two service offerings above

Our other services include special licensing for large and complex organisations; training; help configuring requests, colour schemes, and templates; developing bespoke home, sign-in, and sign-up pages; and creating additional time-saving features.

Additional offerings:
  1. Special licence for large organisations with multiple, separate procurement teams From $29,600 - tailored quote
  2. Special licence peak bodies with member organisations requiring their support From $20,000 - tailored quote
  3. Training for up to 10 attendees From $1,200 - tailored quote
  4. Professional assistance beyond technical support From $1,200 - tailored quote
  5. Bespoke feature development From $2,400 - tailored quote

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