{{ var colors = ['#2196f3', '#3f51b5', '#9c27b0', '#e91e63', '#f44336', '#ff9800', '#4caf50', '#009688', '#00bcd4', '#6c757d', '#343a40', '#2196f3', '#9c27b0','#4caf50', '#6c757d', '#009688', '#343a40', '#dc3545', '#1997c6', '#4dabf5']; var colorIndex = 0; }}
Game-changing procurement & business awards management software
{{ var accountLogo = App.appView.getBuyersLogoPath("SL", "None"); }} {{ if ($("html").width() <= 850) { }} {{ } }}

360 makes it easy to ensure integrity and confidence underpin decision making

Submissions in 360 are precise, concise & compliant so evaluations are fast & effective

360’s smart algorithms make it easy to compare offers based on key criteria - performance, quality, price, and value for money




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